Antibes French language Classes – A wide variety of options among
Centre International d’Antibes (CIA)
Some visitors to Antibes want to have an absolute French cultural emersion experience including learning a bit of the French language. There are many options for visitors to stay in Antibes and the best option for guests to stay in or near the old town is to stay with We provide absolutely the best quality vacation rental homes (including a villa with a pool) in Antibes. We focus on providing vacation homes that are fully renovated with all modern conveniences but maintain a true sense of place. The absolute best option for studying French in Antibes is the Center International d’Antibes (CIA). Guests can also travel to Nice to study at Alliance Francaise de Nice or to Villefranche sur Mer to take an intensive course at Institut de Francais.

Centre International d’Antibes (CIA)
The most well-known language school in Antibes is the Centre International d’Antibes (CIA) . Boasting a 35-year history, the school has classes for adults, French language camps for kids and teens and offers personalized short-stay for school groups and welcomes 6000 students each year. The school also has classes specifically designed to help students pass French language aptitude tests such as the DELF and DALF.
The Center also offers intensive language training classes that last the full day with most of these courses lasting at least one week. The school has two campuses in Antibes—one located in the old town near the ancient ramparts of the city and the other located in a converted Villa just outside the old town.
Institut de Français in
Villefranche sur Mer
The Institut de Français is located in the absolutely beautiful village of Villefranche-sur-Mer which is about 45 minutes away from Antibes. This Institute offers an intense French language course that lasts 8 ½ hours every day, 5 days a week for a two-week or four-week period of time for professional aduts and mature students who want to improve their language abilities in a rapid and efficient manner. This school was founded in 1969 and uses a “Total Approach” that uses a combination of audio-visual materials and practical real-life sessions. The school takes pride in its “French-Only” learning environment.
Some visitors to Antibes decide to take this intense language course before or after their vacation in Antibes.

Online Antibes French language classes
If you do not want to go to attend French language school and prefer to take some online French courses, we highly recommend using This website connects students with teachers of many languages—including French. You can choose to take a course from a teacher who has a degree in French as a Foreign language or just spend your class time speaking with a community teacher to help improve your speaking skills.